ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 7 days. You have 3 days, 18 hours, 32 minutes and 10 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.
Reason for ban: Stealing art (emoticons) and posting them in the art forum as if they were your own creation. -BmK
Please read the BBS rules.
OK, this is crap... I freaking used an EMOTICON from a - FREE emoticon website. I MEAHN GOD. If I say, "haha funny :)" does that mean that i claim the :) as my own work? FREAKING NO! BlackmarketKraig is an utter asshead. He needs to die. If you agree with me (which you SHOULD) let's send him hate mail, my friends, so he will release me! Here's kinda what you may say:
BlackmarketKraig, unban my friend ZiggyZack99 immediatly. He used an EMOTICON. What makes you think he was claiming it as his own? UNBAN HIM TODAY!!!
If you do this, please let me know in a comment.