N00b Awards
Congrats to:
ZiggyZack99: Being Cool
IllWillPress: Making Me Laugh
SilentKat: Posting annoying polls
Diamond-Armada: The PS3 Song
bluebolt: Being an utter asshole
drSalvadork: Being cool
tomfulp: Creating Newgrounds
stamper: Being a rude loser/staff member
1337DoomReaper: Having a cool username
7384-9809: Sounding like a phone
Akrimetch: Wishing he could make flash
alrd: Making ok songs
amador10: Thinking he wouldn't get any comments
AntiGravity: Cool name
AntoArts-Admin: Having the word Admin in his name
Bahamut: Reaching Supreme Commander
BenjaminBigelow: Having a crappy last name
BJ93: Thinking everybody else is funny
BlueFlameSkulls: Sounding dangerous
camz35: Not acheiving anything
CanadianSnowman: Being canadian AND a snowman
Centurion-Ryan: Playing Guitar
Charon: sounding like that one centaur
Cthulhuzilla: not making flash
d00dfayz: wanting to be your friend
DannyIsOnFire: being on fire
Dark-Phire: spelling fire with a ph
DarKsidE555: saying sid
DarkSytze: spelling sites funny
DarkWizard1992: having wizard in his name
dELtaluca: Writing 600 page tutorial collab
disasterarea: Being a disaster
Drakim: soundin' funky
Earfetish: what's fetish?
edoty2812: dotty
elbekko: bekkos are fun
BIGmamaKATIE: being a big mama
enjoyshaun: ENJOYING
Evion: sounding like a RPG character
FIGMENTUM: being a moderator
fire-weasel: being a weasel on fire
Frank-The-Hedgehog: cool, a frankhog
FryLock-08: a friend lock
ghostface619: having a ghost for a head
Git: being a git
glitcher: being a glitch